Education Committee
Our Education Committee hosts presentations and offers resources to our members to provide them with information about current community issues and challenges and about local nonprofits to be considered for grant nominations. Bustin’ Bias, a program of the Education Committee, offers six-week sessions for members to explore and discuss the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
To contact the Education Committee:
Events Committee
Our Events Committee plans and organizes several membership meetings each year at which members have the chance to hear from our nonprofit community partners and to socialize with each other.
To contact the Events Committee:
Finance Committee
Our Finance Committee…
- Provides oversight of funds held by CFSC, including analysis of CFSC’s investment pool options; recommends investment pool for assets to the Steering Committee
- Leads the development of the annual operating budget, with input from the Coordinating Council and Steering Committee, ensuring that the budget reflects organizational values, goals, and strategies and includes previously made decisions.
- Supports the organizational planning processes by providing Grants Fund projections for grants budget estimates before year-end for the upcomiing year and communicates year-end fund balance as soon as available from CFSC
- Monitors budgets and reports to the Steering Committee and Coordinating Council at least quarterly
- Ensures that financial records are kept and accessible to Steering Committee and Coordinating Council
- Recommends new or revised financial policies, as needed
- Provides advice to the Grants Committee and its subcommittees regarding the level of due diligence appropriate for each type of grant
- Serves as a resource to all standing committees for finance questions
- Oversees development of new fundraising initiatives
To contact the Finance Committee:
Governance Committee
Our Governance Committee Serves as a resource to leadership to ensure that our leadership and membership understand and follow governance policies.
- Reviews policies annually and recommends revisions as needed to ensure that all policies are up to date and documented. Communicates policies to members
- Ensures that policy documents are available to members
- Provides guidance and support to leadership members in addressing compliance issues
- Assists in resolving issues or grievances in accordance with the Grievance and Conflict Resolution policy
To contact the Governance Committee:
Grant Committees
Our grant processes are managed through the work of two committees—the Impact Grant Committee and the Community Grants Committee. Grant candidates are presented to the full membership to vote to select the grant recipients.
The Impact Grant Committee manages the application and selection process for our annual $100,000 Impact Grant and accompanying Merit Grants (given to the two finalists not selected for the Impact Grant), which are awarded in the Fall.
The Community Grants Committee manages the application and selection process for our annual Community Grants, which are awarded in the Spring.
To contact the Impact Grant Committee:
To contact the Community Grants Committee:
Liaison Committee
Our Liaison Committee partners with all our current grantees to keep our members apprised of their news and developments and the impact our grants are having on lives of the people in our community. The committee also publicizes ways in which our members can support our grantees through volunteer opportunities and fundraising events.
To contact the Liaison Committee:
Marketing Committee
Our Marketing Committee oversees all communications to our members and the larger community and builds awareness of Impact 100 Redwood Circle and our nonprofit community partners through various print and online media outlets. It also coordinates the planning and production of the Awards Celebrations with the grant committees.
To contact the Marketing Committee:
Membership Committee
Our Membership Committee welcomes and supports new and renewing members. New Member Orientations and Cocktails and Conversations offer new members the opportunity to learn more about our organization. We contact renewing members about further involvement. We build relationships in the community through the Speakers Bureau and the Employer Sponsorship Program.
To contact the Membership Committee:
Technology Committee
The Technology Committee oversees the planning, research, implementation, and support of technologies and tools that facilitate the objectives and operations of Impact 100 Redwood Circle.
To contact the Technology Committee:
We welcome your questions and comments. You may find answers to questions on our FAQ page. If not, please use the attached Contact Us form to reach us. We will then direct your questions to the right committee or person who can help you swiftly.