Impact 100 Redwood Circle conducts two separate grants cycles each year. Members are invited to nominate nonprofits (see designated focus areas below) for each grant cycle.
Our $100,000 Impact Grant is awarded in the fall, along with smaller Merit Grants awarded to the two Impact Grant finalists. These grants are designated for nonprofits focusing on the Health/Community Betterment focus area.
Community Grants are awarded to multiple nonprofits in the spring. These grants are designated for nonprofits focusing on Arts and Culture; Education; and Environment/Sustainability/Parks/Recreation. Nonprofits under the Health/Community Betterment focus area with annual revenue of $500,000 or less are also eligible. Descriptions of our four focus areas are defined here.
The dollar amounts of our Merit Grants and Community Grants are determined by the funds available and may vary each year.
Grant funds may be used for Core Mission Support including general operations; staff recruitment, retention, and development; capacity building; direct-delivery programs; and in other ways that strengthen an organization’s ability to promote its mission and longevity.