$100,000 Impact Grant Eligibility Criteria
Applicants for the $100,000 Impact Grant must meet the following eligibility criteria
- Legally operate as one of the following
- Tax-exempt under IRS section 501(c)(3) and registered with the Registry of Charitable Trusts, State of California Department of Justice
- Under the formal fiscal sponsorship of another organization’s 501(c)(3) status
- A program of a local government entity or an unendowed foundation that was developed to support a public entity. (For example, a public-school foundation)
- In operation for at least 36 months before applying for the Impact Grant and be in sound financial condition
- Non-discriminatory based on race, gender, sexual identification or orientation, spiritual beliefs, national origin, or immigration status
- Operate within the geographical area of Sonoma County
- Operate within the Health/Community Betterment focus area. Impact 100 Redwood Circle defines this as organizations whose mission includes one or more of the following aims: 1) positively impact the physical, social, mental health, and/or well-being of adults, children, families 2) strengthen and enhance the lives of children, teens, adults, and seniors
The following organizations are ineligible for the Impact Grant
- Organizations operating exclusively in Sonoma Valley and serving Sonoma Valley residents.
- Organizations that promote religious purposes and require religious adherence or activity as a condition of receiving services.
- Private foundations or endowments
- Politically partisan organizations
Impact Grant funds may be used for core mission support, which includes but is not limited to
- Continuing or expanding programs
- Launching new programs
- Staff and volunteer recruitment, retention, and development
- Acquisition of technology, both software, and hardware
- Capital expenditures
- Building and diversifying revenue streams
- Developing and implementing long-term strategic plans
- Refining communications, marketing and outreach
- Acquiring or improving program measurement tools and evaluation capacity
- Collaborating with other organizations to improve services or eliminate duplication
- General operating expenses and overhead costs
Impact Grant funds may not be used for
- Organizations that only serve and benefit the residents of Sonoma Valley (an area served by Impact 100 Sonoma Valley)
- Organizations that require religious activity or adherence
- Debt reduction or operational deficits
- Grants or scholarships to individuals
- Endowment funding
- International projects
- Partisan, legislative, or political activity
Impact Grant Guidelines
- An organization may submit only one application each year
- Incomplete applications or missed deadlines will disqualify the application
- The Full Proposal Application must include measurable goals
- Impact Grant funds must be used within a 24-month period. Grantees may determine the amounts and intervals of fund disbursal and have up to three years to demonstrate the impact of the grant
- Grantees are asked to submit periodic progress reports, working with the Liaison Committee during the grant period
- Impact Grantees may not apply for another Impact Grant for three years but may apply thereafter
- Impact 100 Redwood Circle reserves the right to change eligibility criteria at any time without prior notice